Implementing Skills-Based Hiring: A Case Study

In a recent recruitment project we undertook for a consultancy client, we employed the Gallagher Gray Talent Method to match candidates with the job description and required roles. Initially, the CVs provided us with informative but surface-level information. However, once candidates completed the Gallagher Gray talent assessment, we could match them with relevant job competencies and evaluate their potential to meet our client’s needs accurately. We were also able to provide intentional interview questions for the client to focus upon during the final interview ensuring they explored the candidates ability to deliver within their role.

The outcome, less time spent interviewing high-quality shortlisted candidates who aligned to the client’s culture and required skills, streamlined final interviews with well informed interviewers confident in the data and able to make informed decisions.

What is the Gallagher Gray Talent Method?

The Gallagher Gray Talent Method is brand new in the UK. It offers a groundbreaking approach to recruitment and talent management. It measures the subconscious drives of an individual, identifying 44 talents and 53 workplace competencies that align with role requirements. This method not only builds teams based on specific talents and skills but also highlights potential burnout areas for individuals. It offers a science-based, data-informed analysis of a person's natural talents, providing a fast and effective way to understand how someone "ticks."

Our Findings with the Gallagher Gray Talent Method

Here’s what we discovered using the Gallagher Gray Talent Method:

Streamlined Shortlisting: the Gallagher Gray talent assessment allowed us to streamline the initial shortlist significantly. By focusing on key competencies and talents, we reduced the time required for the first stage of interviews, making the process more efficient.

Detailed Insights on Culture Fit: the Gallagher Gray talent assessment provided detailed data on culture match, communication style and ideal working environment. This insight was invaluable in understanding how well candidates would integrate into the client’s company culture.

Informed Interview Process: it informed our interview process by providing specific questions based on the data gathered. For example, if a candidate showed strong leadership potential but had less experience in teamwork, we tailored our questions to explore how they had managed team dynamics in the past or how they approached collaborative projects.

Objective Hiring: Perhaps most importantly, the Gallagher Gray assessment removed much of the subjectivity from the final hiring decisions. Traditionally, there is a tendency for people to hire candidates they like rather than those who best fit their needs. The Gallagher Gray talent assessment illustrated exactly how well a person could fulfil the role and their development potential while in the position.


For Senior Leaders, HR professionals, Founders and the C-Suite, the message is clear: the CV is no longer the best tool for hiring. By adopting a talents-based approach and leveraging modern assessment tools such as the Gallagher Gray Talent Method, you can identify the true potential of candidates, build a more diverse and capable workforce, and position your company for long-term success. Embrace the future of hiring - let natural talents and skills, not past experiences, drive your recruitment strategy.


The Death of the CV: why traditional hiring methods are failing.